Time On A Line
“Time On A Line”
Self-Portrait, September 2021
Time is passing you by.
Our past exists on a timeline. Random, scattered life events that we experience slowly come together in our memory to create a timeline that is only visible from where we stand in the present day. Understanding of our past is only gained through perspective.
The future is about as uncertain as our next breath and has yet to be recorded on our life line.
We live moment by moment, slowly writing out our story.
May it be a worthwhile story to write.
A story consisting of a timeline that shows an individual chasing after their dreams and pursuing happiness. May the passage of time bring with it the completion of goals and the meeting of beautiful people. May we realize that awaiting a moment in the future is as pointless as trying to predict our next step.
We cannot wait to start living until the time is right or all circumstances come together perfectly.
Now is the time, now is the moment you are waiting for. We cannot see ahead in a straight line, but I promise that at some point you will be standing further along your timeline looking back and it will all make sense.
Your story is beautiful and your timeline is waiting for you to fill it with moments, memories, and accomplished dreams. We cannot save our life for the future. Now is the only time you have and now is the only time you can write your story.
Time is on the line.
Please don’t waste it and live to regret it.
What are you going to do with the time you are standing on right now?