Raging Storms
Self-Portrait, June 2021
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks…
As I write this, the clock is slowly moving towards 2:00 AM and yet still my mind wonders. I doubt sleep will come as I know I must finish a caption for tomorrow's post… a caption for an image that is powerful, strong, and vibrant.
But as I sit here and write a caption for such a powerful photograph, all I can do is think of how unpowerful I feel in this moment. After a couple of weeks of extremely stressful moments, it very much feels as if I have been walking through a continual storm.
There are moments in all of our lives that contain harsh winds, darkened skies, and the nearby rumble of thunder. We have all felt the effects of a storm in our lives and we can all relate to the feeling of being windswept and disheveled. Life seems to be sweeping us along as our feet barely touch the ground, out of control and chasing after our life.
We find ourselves looking at the storm, wishing to consume it instead of allowing it to consume us. To feel the power coursing through our veins instead of it crashing down around us. Standing in the middle of a storm can look and feel hopeless.
That’s where I stand… dripping from the rain and rather exhausted.
There’s no denying it or sugar coating things. There are just days (or weeks and months) when the storm rages on around us and it is impossible to see past the rolling clouds. If you are caught in such a storm, you’re not alone, I’m right there with you.
Yet, if there is one thing I have learned from facing previous storms…I know that they cannot last forever. They may howl and rage for their given period of time, but there will come a moment when the winds will subside and the clouds will dissipate.
We only need to last until then. Until we can see the sky again and feel the power that raged around us settle into our own skin. There is strength still to be found within our bones and a passion for life that has yet to be experienced.
The storm may rage…but not forever.
Until Next Time,
Lillian Merritt