Chasing Community
“Spolu Ako Jeden”
Self-Portrait, October 2020
When I created this image in 2020 it was a visual representation of the community I wanted to build both online and in person. The original caption for this image started with: “If you are looking for a community, you are welcome here.” That statement remains true to this day.
One of my favorite aspects of creating is how images can change and grow in meaning throughout my life. Sometimes images shift to represent new ideas and new emotions that are different from the original idea. Sometimes, with time, an image’s meaning is reinforced. Which happens to be true for this image, although slight meanings have changed within it.
Community is something that is so important to me. My heart beats for building a group of individuals that can come together to uplift and inspire each other. Recently, I’ve been actively building this community on a local level. This past weekend saw the second artist gathering meeting. 10 creatives with a variety of mediums gathered together and shared about their journey, their desires for community, and had an evening of exchanging ideas.
I left feeling incredibly inspired.
It was as if my blood was blazing with passion. In the above image, you can see the middle figure almost glowing with light. When I created the image, I had the intention of the light being the thing that drew the other figure towards her. However, with time I see that the figures surrounding her are the reason she is glowing. The community around her is fueling her passion - the light glowing within her.
Community is vital to me. It fuels my creativity and my drive to chase after my dreams. It’s so important for artists to find a community for themselves. I believe so deeply that we need each other and it is my hope to create a community locally, online, and hopefully worldwide.
If you’re looking for community, please know that you are welcome here and I encourage you to spark conversation with myself and others in the comments below. Share your journey, your passions, and your inspirations. Help spark passion within others and find the spark within yourself growing from the interactions.
I invite you to join me in building this community. Together.