Building Fires
“Building Fires”
Self-Portrait, October 2021
What is that fire in your heart? It burns within you at the very core of who you are and what you do.
However, as we grow and experience life, often life douses the flames in water. Claiming the flames are too impractical or too hard or too whatever the excuse has been when you’re diverted from your dreams.
Life has a way of building up so many excuses trying to choke out the fire and conform you to just another individual building up someone else’s empire. But deep down that passion is still there. Sometimes it’s in the form of a dying ember hardly giving off enough heat to warm your hands, but it burns on. It’s the itch that won’t go away, the regret that threatens to seep into old age if the fire is ignored.
The fire burns on. We must not allow life to try and put it out. It’s far too important.
Your passion, your dreams, your fire, are needed in this world. Too many people are shuffling around in this freezing “reality” that we call everyday life and that’s just the way things are.
When did we allow reality to become so boring?
Pay attention to what the fire inside of you is saying and pushing you towards. Don’t ignore it. Life is far too precious to spend trying to deny the fire inside of us. We are meant to share it with the world, created to madly pursue the dream that only we can fulfill in such a beautiful way.
Please don’t let that flame die.
Feed it. Fan the flames. Let it out into the world to ignite others. The warmth of one pursued dream will likely spark the fire in the hearts of those around you. This life is too beautiful to be walking around in the cold and the dark.
When will we realize it’s far better to allow the flames to build and build rather than simmer into a pile of regret and ash?
Life has a way of trying to put out fires. Bitter people will try to deter you from pursuing your passion, claiming it’s too unrealistic or too impractical. I hope you will learn to know better than to listen to people who try to put out your flames.
We need more light and warmth in this world.
I encourage you to boldly let the fire burn. Let it consume you and spill into the world. Your dreams are worth pursuing no matter what.