This My Battle
“This My Battle”
Self-Portrait, March 2021
During our lives, we are all going to face battles.
We will face opposition and opponents that are bigger, stronger, and more vile than the wickedest villains we read about in stories. What makes our villains so terrible? They know how to undermine us not necessarily in a physical way, but in a mental battlefield. They plant seeds of doubt like grenades and attack the core of who we are with precision.
These villains, whether unintentional or intentional advisories, understand the art of combat. They fight in the form of snide comments, deep seated resentment, and mockery of the very dreams we are chasing. Our villains will undermine our self-worth, destroy our confidence, and keep us bogged down in the mud with them.
The biggest threat to a modern day villain is the dreamer. The hero of the story (which happens to be you) is a dreamer and a visionary. We strive towards a future that we are willing to create. We take risks and create beauty wherever we go, but the doubters and the jealous will try to tear down our hopes.
We must know which battles we are willing to fight. We must know what we are willing to defend.
Opposition will come at us from all sides. It will tell us we’re not worthy. Not ready. Not good enough or smart enough. The villain will spew fiery lies in your face and you must learn to fight fire with fire.
That dream, that spark, that passion inside of you is your sword. It is your weapon against all the fears that assail you. You have a dream to defend, you have a life to create and it is beautiful and worthy of being fought for.
Don’t let the villain steal your dream.
This is your battle. Stand your ground armed with something they will never have…passion. You are stronger than you think and a better fighter than they will ever be.
Rise up, look your dream in the eyes, and defend it till the day you die.
You are worthy of the fire you carry inside of you. It is beautiful and the world desperately needs it. No villain stands a chance in the path of a determined dreamer.
This is my battle. What are you willing to fight for?