Disturb The Comfortable

I’m reading a book. 

I've heard that it is one of the most haunting and memorable experiences one can have when reading. 

I’m both thrilled and nervous about reading it. Last year I read the introduction to it randomly one day and put it away to be picked up later, maybe during the fall or in reality the winter. A few nights later I had a nightmare about it. The only disturbing part of this being the fact that the introduction visibly states that this book will bring you nightmares. 

There’s something so intriguing about the fact that art of any form can leave physical and mental imprints on us. We can be affected by that which we interact with within the art world, whether it be through words, pictures, video, sound, or the like. Art will leave it’s imprint on our souls for better or for worse. 

Said by someone somewhere along the way is the quote “Art is there to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” After my experience with simply the introduction of a book, I couldn’t agree more. Art was created to leave a lasting impact on the souls that come in contact with it. What a worthy goal to strive towards in the pursuit of meaning.

 I wonder if my art has ever affected anyone in such a lasting way that they remember it days, months, or even years later. Can I create something that is so impactful and so vibrantly alive with meaning that someone might describe it as the most haunting and memorable piece of art they have ever experienced? Is there a more worthy goal to strive towards in the creation of art? If we, as artists, are truly meant to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comforted, what kind of incredible art could we actually create?

Would people have nightmares about it? Would they flock to it in both admiration and nervousness? What if when viewing a piece of art they saw before them their soul exposed and in seeing such a vulnerable sight couldn’t help but be moved? Does the artist truly have the power to move people in such a deep and lasting way?

Having myself touched, sensed, viewed, and admired art, I know that which seems impossible is not an outlandish pursuit. Artistic endeavors have the power to shape and craft the world, lasting far longer than the artist themselves. Immortality is created in the folds of art. We may not be immortal ourselves but that which we create will live on after we pass away. 

Our creations have a living, breathing soul of their own. Generations to come will see it, people who have yet to be born will claim it to be their favorite piece of art. We have the power to move and affect people in a way which nothing else can. Art will always be the true definition of impact. 

I have the power to impact the world with my creations. You have the power to impact the world with your creations. Books, paintings, photographs, sculptures, music, plays, and every other form of art in existence is the foundation of life as we know it. 

To seek change is to experience art. 

To find meaning is to experience art.  

To know yourself is to experience art. 

To live fully is to experience art. 

And to think that all of this power and possibility is mine to find. Never underestimate the power of your creation to have lasting and immortal impact. Remember that the next time you doubt your own ability or prowess. 

You are an artist.

What a beautiful calling to have in such a life. 

Where will it take you next?

Until Next Time,
Lillian Merritt


My Disappearance


Where Is My Next Step?