Day 158: Leap Day

I just got back from a convention a few hours ago, so I would like to keep this short and sweet in order to get some sleep. But, Happy Leap Day! Today does not happen every year which is super fun and exciting. One day changes the entire layout of our year and so today we celebrate a very special day.

What leap do you need to make in your life today? What is standing in your way between where you are now and where you want to be? Allow today, this leap day, to be the day you decide to jump over whatever is standing in your way. You are more than your obstacles and you are much more than who you are now.

It is time to step outside of our comfort zones and take the leap into the future that can be so uncertain. We will never be ready to make the jump and therefore waiting until we are ready is pointless. We just jump when we are not ready and get ready while sailing through the air. Now is the time to make that leap that you know you need to take. Be brave and understand that, you will never overcome the obstacle by just staring at it. Action must be taken.

Take a chance and take the leap.

Until Next Time,
Lillian Merritt


Day 159: Friends Become Family


Day 157: February Recap