Day 95: New Year New Word

Thinking of goals or new years resolutions is a very normal practice during this time of the year. It is something that we should all practice in because it gives us a path to follow when we step into the next year. However, there is another practice which we should accept which is often overlooked.

This practice is choosing a word. A single word that acts as a focal point for the coming months. Picking a word that you would like to embody for the coming year gives you something to follow in every situation you encounter. Words have power and that should not be overlooked when planning for 2020.

Be meaningful in which word you choose for the year. In essence it should be something which embodies the goals which you are working towards and the person you want to see yourself grow into. This word is something that you can actually apply to your life and use in different situations.

Instead of picking a random word that comes to you, intentionally choose it. Start by understanding where you are right now. As the year comes to a close, what did you like and dislike about 2019? Are there certain areas you want to explore more or change? What do you need, not physically, as you go into 2020? Understanding where you are now will help you to understand where you want to be in a year at the close of 2020.

Write down a list of words that you feel connected to, words that really stand out. If you need help flip through a dictionary and write down the words that stand out from the page. This creates a list of words to pick from, a list of words that hopefully all apply to your life and your future. On this list you might include words such as: strength, imagination, authentic, etc.

During this process, be sure you understand what your goals are. Knowing what you physically want to accomplish in this next year will help you understand where you are trying to end up. Also keep in mind who you want to be in the future. Literally where do you want to be and who do you want to be in one year? That is an important question to answer.

Now allow yourself the freedom to choose from your list. Don't overthink it, the right word will stand out. Listen to your gut instinct and even if it doesn't make sense go with it. This word will be your guide for your new year, but it's not permanent. If you feel like it isn't working for you a few months down the line, don't stress it.

Try to commit to it though. Dare to strive towards your word with determination and commitment. Allow yourself to grow into the person you want to be and the situations you want to be in during this coming year. Allow this word to be your guide.

A few of my words have been as follows:

Strength (2017)

Soulful (2018)

Growth (2019)

Prayer (2020)

Until Next Time,
Lillian Merritt


Day 96: A Year In Review


Day 94: Potential To Change