Day 65: I Am Thankful For...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all are having an amazing day full of family, friends, and amazing food. I have spent the last few days about being thankful, today I would like to share with you a couple things I am thankful for. Hopefully this will inspire you to realize just how blessed we all are.

I am thankful for...

My family.

My super encouraging friends that support me no matter what.

Being able to spend Thanksgiving with family.

Having a creative outlet like photography that allows me to transform my thoughts into reality.

Tea (mainly the highly caffeinated, pipping hot kind).

Being able to write and share blog posts with all my random thoughts.

My dad being able to get off of work and spend the day with us.

Platforms like Instagram that allow people to bond over common interests.

Overcast days and rain.

Long distance friendships, they're fuel for the best FaceTime calls.

The ability to dance and take ballet classes.

Deep conversations that go far beyond the surface level of friendship.

Opportunities to travel.

Good books like Jane Eyre or Dracula that simply consume you.

America and the fact that I live in a free country.

Journals and being able to write.

Being able to remember past experiences.

Warm blankets and pillows.

An endless supply of music available to my fingertips.

My imagination.

The house over my head and not having to worry about food or water.

Encouraging parents and sibling.

Vintage clothing and goodwill stores.

Childhood friendships that are on their way to last a lifetime.

My dog, Valentine.

Home-cooked meals and breakfast food like pancakes.

Where I have come from and all that I have been through.

Above it all I am so thankful for my savior, Jesus Christ, who took a sinner like me and gave me a new start.

What are you thankful for today?

Until Next Time,
Lillian Merritt


Day 66: The Time We Are Given


Day 64: Being Thankful