Day 26: Time Is A Stream

Time is . . . a stream. It flows around the rocks and the bends of the shore. Water rushes forward, carrying with it everything under its surface. The sheer power of the stream carves the landscape and pushes past any barriers. Nothing can stop the water.

Cutting through the earth like a knife, the stream travels from its place of origin to its final destination. When objects block its path, the water simply shifts its course around them and continues on. Stopping the stream is simply impossible and no man made structure can hold it back completely.

Within the water there is incredible life. Creatures of all kind live in the flowing stream and are carried along with the current. They are moved from here to there with hardly any say in the direction they go. The stream carries all that is within it along, not caring where they may be deposited. Water has no consideration for that which it holds, it does what it desires.

The flow of water continues on even when there isn't someone there to see it. A stream does not halt its journey for one second and all the water that flows by will never be the same. The motion is constant and the journey does not end for that drop of water until it reaches the final destination.

The stream never halts in its journey.

In the same way, time has a continuous flow that never stops. From beginning to end there is nothing we can do to stop the current of time. Any attempt we make to stop time from passing is futile. We are living every second and once it passes us by it is gone forever.

The life we are living does not allow us to stop it from streaming past us and there is no way to swim up stream. Every moment is precious because of this. Each moment we are given is unique and can be lived out in so many different ways. What we do with the time we are given is the important part about life.

Because time is constant it can feel like it is speeding past out of control. Often times this is because we are spending all our energy on trying to slow it down. Focusing on the fact that time is ticking will only make it tick faster. Trying to stop time will only keep our mind focused on the time that has already passed. When we focus our eyes on "loosing time" we are not making the most of the moment we are living.

The only important time in our life is right now. This second. It does not matter what happened with the time you have already been given and it does not matter how much time you have left. What matters is what you will do are you are floating down the stream of time.

Time is . . . constant.

Until Next Time,
Lillian Merritt


Day 27: Time Is A Sunset


Day 25: Time Is A Butterfly