Rattle The Stars

Today, I start a journey. In this journey I am taking a huge bus and I am inviting you to join me. It is going to be exciting, there might be some wrong turns and there will probably be a lot of stories and laughs. But together "We are going to rattle the stars." - Sarah J. Maas.

Starting this blog has given me the opportunity to talk all about myself and what I like to do… something I don’t find very easy.

I have read many "how to win friends" books and the first thing they always mention is to do this… "ask the other person questions and get them talking about their favorite subject… themselves."

Most likely I have taken that a little too far and now I have a hard time talking about myself, even when someone asks me to talk. But I must tell you a little bit about myself, considering I can’t make you talk!

I started dance at Dance Works Of Enid in Oklahoma at the age of three. For each dance performance, we would go to Muncy Photography to get our pictures taken. One year, about three years ago, was a bit more important to me than simply a photo session. During the entire time we were there, the photographer was running a live workshop on her computer in the back. Each time a couple of my friends and I had to wait we would sit in front of the computer and watch the photographer on the workshop.

To give you a little hint on how much that workshop changed my life, three years later I met the photographer in person. Her name is Brooke Shaden, one of the most talented and inspiriting photographers I have ever met, not to mention the kindest and sweetest. Right away I noticed the difference in her style of photography, even though at the time my knowledge of photography was limited. She called it Fine Art Photography. It was the type of photography that made you look twice at the photo to make sure you are seeing the right thing.

These fine art photos are filled with emotions and story and if you look close enough and know the photographer well enough you can see a little bit of that person in their pictures.

Looking fine art photography up on the internet does not do it justice. The first couple of pictures that show up are black and white images of landscapes and trees and portraits. Not to mention a couple of nudes.

This tells me that fine art photography might be misunderstood. I would like to tell you a bit about it. Anyone who looks at fine art photography will know it is different from the normal portrait. In my photos, usually the subject's face is turned or hidden giving the picture the sense of the subject could be anyone unlike the traditional portrait.

There are usually puzzling aspects such as a floating girl or translucent subjects in the images. This is the result of editing several pictures together.

It is not all about the editing process, though, it is more about the story and emotion. How much emotion and feeling is in these photos? Do they make the viewer feel something, even if it is a negative emotion? What story does the viewer see?

It is not the photo that matters it is the story and with fine art photography we can create deeper and more meaningful photographs that normal photos just cannot capture.

Fine art photography is like a portal into a story without using words. As they say; "a picture is worth a thousand words" and so it is. With one image you can create an entire story filled with emotion. This is my ultimate goal to make the viewer feel something so deep that they have to stop and think and they see themselves in the subject.

This goal is part of the story I am writing through the stars. I am creating the story I want to share, this is where I am going to share it. So hop onto my bus and roll down the windows. It is not going to be smooth I can tell you that much. But through all the bumps and curves I hope you can learn a little something for yourself and grow with me!

Welcome aboard!



The Darkest Of Tales